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My Pet Toad

Where might we find a toad? In the garden, of course! The first thing we talked about is some difference between frogs and toads with this great poster included in our Mother Goose Time Growing Gardens kit.

Learning the difference between frogs and toads with @mothergoosetime #ece #preschool #familychildcare #hdddc #MGTblogger

A photo posted by Stacy@Share&Remember (@shareandremember) on

We talked about frogs and toads having different kinds of skin. Toads have bumpy skin. We really enjoyed singing The Bumpy Toad song! I was singing it all day. 😀

, do you know the bumpy toad,
The bumpy toad,
The bumpy toad,
Do you know the bumpy toad,
He eats 5 garden pests! (we changed it to bugs)

Then we made “My Pet Toad” projects. All the items needed for this craft were included in the kit. I did help the kids make these because sometimes I feel it’s better to hot glue pieces on so they stay. Otherwise the kids are frustrated when they don’t stay together. While I prefer to present process art projects, sometimes it’s fun to make crafts too. In this case, the My Pet Toads were used in the telling of a story.

toad craft in the garden
During nap time, I put the toads out in the garden. Each child looked for theirs on the way home.
toad craft in the garden
They made the garden such a happy place! toad craft in the garden toad craft in the garden toad craft in the garden toad craft in the garden toad craft in the garden
Another great day learning about gardens with Mother Goose Time!toad craft in the garden

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