Using binoculars on safari is a must. We must keep our distance and watch the animals from a distance. If you want to see animals on the safari, take your binoculars! We learned about the different kinds of animals we might see with Lesson 3: Game Reserve from Mother Goose Time’s Going on Safari theme.

Hiding Animals
Hiding Animals is a simple matching card game but we got so much use and value out of them! First I held up the cards so everyone could see the animals and they identified them.

Then I gave everyone some cards to match up. Another game we played is “Who Has” and they took turns asking “Who has….a rhinoceros?” and trading cards. Another fun way to use matching cards!

Cutting Practice
Next we worked on some scissor skills, cutting apart some animal cards for going on safari. The page also included a checklist.

Most of my group does well with cutting but it’s still challenging to stay on the lines and complete the work.

There ends up being a lot of cards with 7 kids so I stapled the animal cards to their checklist.

We carried them while on safari. Kids love checklists!
Don’t forget your binoculars! A must have for going on safari.

Ready with hats, binoculars, passports and animal checklists.

Making a pretend vehicle of any kind is easy. Just line up your chairs. Everyone is in the safari vehicle!

Or maybe the airplane? He’s checking passports.

Almost there!

Now we are on safari! Look at the zebra!

There’s another zebra on the grasslands.

What’s this funny bird called?

Intense safari trip!

The rhinoceros has a horn.

Tall giraffes with lots of spots!

Thanks for going on Safari with us!

More Going on Safari
More Going on Safari posts coming up! Until then, see the ones below: