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Mom Voyáge UrbiniBaby #sponsored #UrbiniBaby #MC

I participated in a Blog Blast on behalf of Mom Central for Urbini. I received information from Urbini to facilitate my post as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.

As a child care provider and a mother in the US, I realize I have different experiences than other parents.  Our world is diverse and so are the ways of raising children in other cultures.  Mom Voyáge was created by Urbini to allow moms around the globe to learn how different, and similar, parenting can be in different cultures.

What a great community that enlightens and gives me a new perspective on parenting! It’s interesting to see how maternity leave varies in different areas of the world.. it never seems long enough for us in the US.

UrbiniBaby Mom Voyáge

Mom Voyáge is a community of Mom bloggers who share their experiences in motherhood from all around the world, including Netherlands, France, Britain, Holland, Japan, China and Australia as well as in the US. They give a global perspective on how different cultures name their babies, how they celebrate pregnancies, what their take is on maternity leave, and many other Mom-inspired voyage urbini

Visit the Mom Voyáge website and see what interests you. You can also find them here:

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