Over the weekend I found this little stamp in the desk drawer downstairs. This silly little stamp is so old! And it still works! It came with a Barbie I had when I was little. I looked it up online and found it’s Loving You Barbie from 1983. I would have been 8. Maybe I bought it with birthday money? I remember often going to KB Toys at the mall, on a Friday night probably, and looking at Barbies. I had Skipper too. I really liked her and this was my other favorite. I don’t remember much about the others we had but Julie & I had a lot of Barbies!
I found the rest of the pictures online. This one shows her necklace. I’m pretty sure she had one.
See the little stamp?? I remember the little white pencil with the hearts {or I love you’s?} on it but I don’t’ remember the rest of the things. I just loved her dress with all the velvety hearts on it. And her little white heel shoes. Wish I still had this Barbie! Mom gave all our Barbies to our cousin once {While we were gone! We didn’t know until later and we weren’t happy!} Oh well, can’t save everything forever. Great memories though. I have no idea how I’ve held on to this little stamp for about 28 years??
Thursday 24th of November 2022
Wow, I was looking through an old box at my mom’s and found a bunch of my old Barbies. As soon as I saw this one, I was transported back to childhood… Exactly 8 years old as well. I even found the little heart shaped notebook along with it. I had to look it up online because I could not remember her name which is how I came to your post. How nostalgic. Loving You Barbie was my favorite!!
Saturday 30th of January 2016
i have this Barbie - but i don't remember having that necklace. Necklace belongs to Crystal barbie.
Tuesday 29th of June 2021
@annabelle, Agree. Loving You Barbie has no necklace.And you're right, maybe that necklace belongs to Crystal Barbie or Pink N Pretty Barbie.
Thursday 14th of November 2013
I had this Barbie and it was my ABSOLUTE favorite! Good for you for holding on to it ;)
Tuesday 7th of August 2012
(sorry, but I use google translator)Hello!When I was a child I had this Barbie.I have a blog where I talk about my son and my passions.I love vintage advertising and public 50s-60s-70s-80s mainly cosmetics and toys.I'm preparing a post on Barbie I love you and you're the only one that has a picture of the stencil.I'd put it in the post, without modification.I also want to include a link to your blog to thank you.I have your permission to publish your photos on mold?Thank you!
Blog link: http://www.unamammettapasticciona.blogspot.it
Tuesday 1st of February 2011
I really don't think Mom gave them away. The way I remember it--cousin took them! All those handmade items from Evelyn too. I still don't understand why something wasn't said.