This post brought to you by American Frozen Foods Institute and the Frozen Food Roundtable. All opinions are 100% mine.
For me, one of the biggest benefits of frozen foods is that I can buy it on Monday and it will last through the whole week, or longer if needed. I don’t have time to go back to the store three times during the week to make sure I have fresh foods! Wondering about fresh vs frozen? Freezing naturally pauses inspired recipes made with fresh, quality ingredients and suspends them there until the moment you’re ready to enjoy them, locking in freshness, flavor and nutrients. Frozen. How Fresh Stays Fresh
I mostly buy frozen vegetables. That way they don’t go to waste if we don’t use them right away. Also, I need a variety to feed my child care children each week so we use half a bag of corn, then half a bag of green beans, etc. The remainder stays fresh until we need it again.
Another way frozen foods are helpful is for quick lunches and portion control. A frozen meal for lunch is simple. You can take it to work with you, have something different everyday and still eat within your calorie range. For myself, sometimes it’s just nice to have something in the freezer I can quickly heat up and it’s healthier choice than ordering something out. I really like this Santa Fe-Style Rice & Beans. I won’t show you the heated up dish though – once I got a chance to actually eat it, well- it wasn’t so warm any more!
Or a sweet treat! It’s nice to have a little something saved in the freezer for dessert just for you – portion controlled.
These Delimex chicken and cheese taquitos made a great afternoon snack for my child care group. They enjoyed them dipped in ranch with watermelon and milk.
Having frozen foods on hand like this allows me to offer a variety of snacks and gives the children an opportunity to try something new.
The taquitos would make a simple Sunday night snack too!
What’s not to love? Frozen foods can make entertaining easier, can always be available in your freezer and require little time to prepare AND taste delicious!
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