Our Skidamarink A Doo I Love You Valentine for parents were inspired by the song, Skidamarink from Super Simple Learning that we’ve been listening to. Before Valentine’s Day, we start listening to the song and memorizing it. It’s not hard, there are a few short verses and it’s so catchy, the kids love it. Beware – it can get stuck in your head!
There’s nothing like a child’s handprint to their parents so the valentine makes a precious keepsake. I like to create handprint art with the children throughout the year so parents have several from their child. The early years go by so fast and soon…. no more handprint art.
Making handprint art projects with little ones can be messy and time-consuming, depending on ages and how many you need to do. Below are my tips for creating handprint art with young children.
Tips for Creating Handprint Art:
- Prepare before inviting the child over. Have paper and paint ready.
- Tear off a couple paper towels to have immediately handy.
- I recommend printing name labels for each child. Put name label on the project before starting. Otherwise, everyone’s handprints start to look alike!
- Older children can do their own prints.
- Be prepared with extra paper or copies in case the handprint isn’t as nice as you’d like or the child smears it.
- Use washable tempera paint or large washable ink pads.
- If using washable tempera paint: paint the child’s hand with a small amount of paint. Assist the child in pressing the handprint on the paper as desired. Another method would be to put a small amount of paint on a paper plate and the child can rub their hand in it to cover it with paint. This method might leave some areas without paint.
- If using large washable ink pads: Help the child press hand onto the ink pad. You may want to lift the ink pad and rub it on the child’s hand to be sure ink covers the whole hand. Guide hand to paper and press evenly, lifting straight up.
Valentine's Crafts - Yarn Wrapped Hearts - Red Ted Art's Blog
Sunday 23rd of October 2016
[…] Skidamarink A Doo […]
Monday 26th of January 2015
Skidamarink a dees, we love these!! These are wonderful, Stacy. What a fantastic keepsake for parents. Thanks for sharing our Skidamarink song, we're flattered. Wishing you lots of love this Valentine's Day season. <3 Sara Super Simple Learning
Valentine's Crafts - Yarn Wrapped Hearts - Red Ted Art's Blog : Red Ted Art's Blog
Saturday 3rd of January 2015
[…] Skidamarink A Doo […]
Amy Simonsen McCollum
Saturday 28th of December 2013
Adorable. I'm a sentimental mom & preschool teacher. I will be making this with our kiddos for Valentine's Day this year! We use the Skidamarink song for one of our graduation songs.