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Dress Like a Superhero!

How fun is it to dress like a superhero?! Week One of Mother Goose Time’s Superheroes was all about Superhero Dress-Up. We made glasses, capes, masks, and belts to go along with our Superhero Shields. Also, see the paper plate peace symbols we made here: We Can Be Superheroes.

Dress like a superhero Superheros Mother Goose Time preschool theme

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Superhero Dress Up Week

Our fun week shaped up like this:

week one superhero dress up

It’s interesting to read the skill learning objectives and realize how many opportunities to learn are present in each activity! As an educator, it also helps me understand where my focus should be, as, with crafts and art, the focus is not necessarily the finished product.


Who knew you could make a full costume with paper?? We added our names and star shapes, traced from a cookie cutter.

children wearing capes

Even our littlest one wanted to wear a cape. So cute!capes


Mask conceal identity or create an identity for a superhero so it’s a must have. I like that Mother Goose Time includes the stretchy cord for the masks. It’s so much easier to work with and wear than using yarn. Faces are blurred for privacy but you can see how much they enjoyed wearing the masks!

Dress Like a Superhero Dress Like a Superhero Dress Like a Superhero Dress Like a Superhero


What an amazing idea! Mother Goose Time really comes up with such unique ideas. The paper belt features a customizable belt buckle and fancy jewels. After decorating belt blet buckle with markers and jewles, I helped each child assembled their belts. They are secured with a Velcro™ dot so quite durable for a heavy paper belt.

superhero belt superhero belt superhero belt superhero belt superhero belt

Learning is fun!

More Superhero Fun

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I received curriculum from Experience Early Learning for honest and authentic stories resulting from my daily experiences using the curriculum. As a user of Experience Preschool for many years, I am pleased to share quality educational experiences. #sponsored #ExperienceEarlyLearning