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Feeding the Birds

It’s a beautiful spring day and we’re feeding the birds! As part of our Birds & Eggs theme, we spent the day learning about bird food and feeding the birds. We made some simple bird feeders and filled the rest of our feeders to hang in the tree.

Bird Food

What do birds eat? Bugs, seeds, and worms. What kinds of seeds do you see in the picture?

Bird Food - what do you think a bird eats? theme poster

Now that birds are migrating back to Wisconsin, we filled our feeders. It doesn’t take long and the birds find them, coming for seed, making a perfect opportunity for us to observe various kinds of birds.children pouring birdseed into feeder

Everyone got to pour a scoop of bird feed into the feeder. Children just want to help! They want that hands-on experience.

filling birdfeeder

Many hands to help make the job go fast and helps them learn valuable skills through trial and error.pouring birdseed

Making Cereal Bird Feeders

The Mother Goose Time activity of the day was to make Cheerio bird feeders on pipe cleaners to hang in the tree.

cup of Cheerios for craft

I love how simple and easy this activity is, using materials provided and common things we already have.

Make & Play bird feeder preschool craft

While making the feeders, we talked about what kinds of birds might like the treats we were making. The Make & Play card offered ideas for after we hung the feeders in the tree.

Make & Play story prompt

It’s always fun to make a project with food – that might be able to get eaten while we’re working!threading cereal onto pipecleaner bird feeder

Such great fine motor practice for little hands!child making a bird feeder with cheerios

All done! We twisted the pipe cleaners around so little birds like Chickadees can sit on the pipe cleaner while they eat.completed cereal bird feeder

Here’s our little tree full of bird feeders!

bird feeders in the tree

We put up mixed seed, suet, sunflower seeds and our Cheerios birdfeeders.

cereal bird feeder in the tree

Doing our part to feed the birds!