We’ve been focusing on how to make friends and learning about our feelings with Experience Preschool Curriculum‘s Friends & Feelings kit for September 2018. One of the suggested books from the book list is My Many Colored Days. I love this book by Dr. Seuss! Applying a color to how we feel is another way to learn about feelings and express ourselves. See our My Many Colored Days Collages, display, and related sad and color blue activities.
My Many Colored Days Collages
My Many Colored Days is a must have book for young children. It’s a short board book but it captures the children’s attention, describes feelings wonderfully and provides an opportunity to further discuss feelings. I can’t say I’m a big fan of Dr. Seuss (shhh, don’t tell!) but I love this book.
To make the many colored days collages, simply provide a piece of black construction paper or cardstock, glue
We used craft foam cut into shapes, large buttons and feathers.
Some days are yellow. Some days are blue. On different days I’m different too.
My Many Colored Days by Dr. Seuss
After creating the collages we personalized them with each child’s photo. Super cute!
The collages are bright and fun for a class display.
Learning About Feeling Sad
Lesson #7 is all about feeling sad.
Playing the shape game. I love all the shape and color activities dispersed throughout the monthly materials. Many of the games can be played independently (I put them out as a center) or with a small group.
Painting Blue
After looking around the room for something that’s blue and pointing to it with the blue crayon, we painted with two shades of blue.
Our blue paintings – we used two shades of blue paint. An easy way to explore colors!
Make & Play Mirrors
We made little mirrors with simple supplies – craft sticks for handles, colored paper, and mirrored card stock. Each child decorated their mirror as desired with markers, glue
Sad, Mad or Glad? I Can Read Books
These *awesome* I Can Read books from Experience Curriculum focus on a few sight words and coordinate with the monthly theme. Word pointers are included so the children can look through their books and find words. Little readers in the making!
We also read the book May Feels Sad from the My Feelings series from Scholastic.
Learning about feelings through colors is so fun!
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I received curriculum from Experience Early Learning for honest and authentic stories resulting from my daily experiences using the curriculum. As a user of Experience Preschool for many years, I am pleased to share quality educational experiences. #sponsored #ExperienceEarlyLearning