As we have been pretending to be preschool paleontologists, we explored excavation sites with a fun Excavation Dig Searching For Bones Dinosaur Themed Tabletop Math Activity.
Searching For Bones Dinosaur Themed Tabletop Math Activity
Experience Early Learning (formerly Mother Goose Time) has some of the best themed based play activities that really develop skills.
Supplies Needed:
- Colored Links
- Masking Tape
- Foam Brushes (optional)
Use the masking tape to create a square on the table or floor.
This is the excavation site. Place the links inside the square. You will want a mixture of colors.
The children use the foam brushes (or their fingers) to sort the links to piles of one color. That’s one skill – sorting by color. It also uses eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills.
Then the children link together all the links of the same color. More great fine motor and eye-hand coordination work! Younger children might find that part challenging but that’s when the older ones can step in and help.
When all the links are connected, compare the chain lengths. Which is the longest? Shortest?
Try putting the chain links in order by size.
Let’s do it again!
The Searching For Bones Dinosaur Themed Tabletop Math Activity can be done individually or with two or more depending on the size of the space you are using for your excavation site. Ours is kind of small but you could make it very big on the floor!
Simplify the activity by using only two colors of links. To make it more challenging, name two colors and encourage children to create a pattern when they connect the links.
More Dinosaur Themed Activities
- Dinosaur Fossils
- We Are the Dinosaurs
- Dinosaur Sensory Bins
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