We are loving the start of summer with Experience Early Learning’s Alphabet Island! What a great theme for that summer feeling! You can see everything that’s included in the June kit here. We’ve had some hot summer days for early June so it really feels like we’ve been to the island!

This Experience Early Learning preschool curriculum kit is a review kit so we’re covering the alphabet A-Z and numbers 1-20. Even if you haven’t used the curriculum all year, you can still touch on every letter and number throughout June. My group hasn’t mastered all their letters and numbers yet even though we’ve used the curriculum all year so continuing to learn is what we’re doing.

We slow down considerably in the summer. The warm months in Wisconsin are short so we spent as much time outdoors as we can. We don’t do circle time every day in the summer. We might some days or just put the numbers on the calendar. When we do projects or activities, we cover the discussion questions at that time.

I am continually amazed at the beautiful inspiration photos included for the Invitations to Create! They add so much to the curriculum and are so visually pleasing. They certainly do inspire us to create! I laminate them and display them in our room.

We may not be at the beach but we have the feel of the beach right in our room!

The alphabet tree display allows us to practice letter recognition in a fun way. Instead of putting up one letter a day, I had the children identify each letter as we put them up. When we talk about a letter, one friend points it out.

My Little Journals are a little different this month too.

Some of the pages have color by numbers, color by letters, and complete the drawing activities. I like it for the older group because they enjoy these types of activities and it’s a bit more challenging for them.

We need some rainy days to stay in and work on some of these!

Loving these Alphabet Island coloring books too! Each page features a different letter.

See the page below – the “Ee” is found in the word sunshine. I don’t mind that the letters aren’t the first letter of the word – we have a lot of that throughout the year and it’s good to focus on where else letters are found within a word. I like the concept of coloring in the letter “e” in the word “sunshine”. It gives us a different way to talk about words.
Experience Early Learning always has the cutest books! Ahoy! has an alphabet letter and a coordinating picture on each page.

Look for two things that start with Mm – map, and mermaid.

The alphabet puzzles are getting lots of use! Try them in the water table or hide the letters in sand.
I so appreciate how I can open the kit and jump into summer! The days are too busy and full to plan a full theme myself. I could do it, but I wouldn’t enjoy the days as much. I’m thankful for how well rounded the program is and complete with a book, CD, manipulatives, arts, and crafts, games, coloring activities and MORE, MORE, MORE!
So far we’ve learned about islands, boats, captains, wind, sunshine, crabs, sandcastles, shells, sunglasses and sunscreen! I’ll be back to share more on some of those topics. So glad we’re “visiting” Alphabet Island!

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I received curriculum from Experience Early Learning for honest and authentic stories resulting from my daily experiences using the curriculum. As a user of Experience Preschool for many years, I am pleased to share quality educational experiences. #sponsored #ExperienceEarlyLearning
Sunday 24th of September 2017
My son struggle with phonics beginning sounds how can i help him.