Storybooks and literacy activities are a big part of our days and add so much to our preschool themes. Mother Goose Time does a fabulous job of suggesting books each month. Their themed Suggested Book List is so helpful when planning my monthly activities. I order books from Amazon usually so I can keep them in my collection (okay, let’s be honest – I can never return them to the libarary on time!) You can also request them at the library. Obtaining books ahead of time is one thing I can do to be prepared each day and set up the environment for learning. There are many wonderful bird books to use with a bird and egg theme, but here are some of my Favorite Bird Books for Preschoolers. Read more about Choosing Books for Early Childhood.
Suggested Book List
I will be honest – I haven’t used Mother Goose Time’s Suggested Book List very much until recently. Now the suggested book is featured on each of the daily pages of the Teacher Guide. We have tons of books. It’s crazy and a bit embarrassing how many I have despite how important I know books are and how many we use. However, having specific books for specific topics have been so helpful in extending the daily lessons about our themes. That’s why I love Mother Goose Time’s Suggested Book List they provide each month. See the full list of Language and Literacy Skills and Skill Goals integrated within the Mother Goose Time Curriculum.
Favorite Bird Books for Preschoolers
Just a few of my favorite bird books are listed below. I could go on! Maybe another day in another post.
Feathers Not Just for Flying
This book shows all the uses of feathers. The main text highlights how feathers are not just for flying. Birds use their feathers for practical purposes. The pictures show life-size feather illustrations. A beautiful book and a great study on feathers!
Hello Bird
Hello Bird combines drawings and close-up photos of real birds. The images are both beautiful and whimsical. The book encourages participation. It’s a call and response story that supports patterning and counting skills.
Eggs and Chicks
This is a non-fiction book that covers parents and chicks, building a nest, unusual nests, and laying eggs. There are realistic pictures of what it looks like when as a chick develops inside an egg. The book includes drawings and real photos of birds. Beautiful photos of different eggs and a glossary of bird words as well as websites to visit to learn more about books. This Usborne book is excellent!
About Birds
Beautiful drawings and simple text that teaches children all about birds: from eggs to nests, from song to flight. It explains what birds are, what they do, and how they live. Simple and enlightening, tells children what is essential for understanding and appreciating birds.
Is a Bald Eagle Really Bald?
Children will want to know what this book is all about. Is a Bald Eagle really bald? What’s the explanation? (I learned something new too.) Learn about the Bald Eagle featured on the Great Seal of the United States and on the dollar bill. Why was this bird chosen as a national symbol? Find out why bald eagles are important, what the Great Seal stands for, and how bald eagles live in the wild. A combination of story and facts.
Ladybird Explorers Birds
Another non-fiction book that’s older, but explores all the details of birds. It covers seedeaters, fruiteaters, tropical nectar feeders, insect feeders, fish eaters, birds of prey and scavengers. The book has fold out pages that show the wingspan of a condor in flight and a diagram of parts of a bird. Check out interesting bird behavior, learn about birds in danger and explore amazing bird facts. A great book to have in a bird or nature center.
Have You Heard the Nesting Bird?
My favorite bird book! It’s beautiful! The words and photos are gorgeous. It introduces common neighborhood birds and the sounds they make. But have you heard the nesting bird? A lovely nature story you and your children won’t forget.
The Paper Crane
An unusual story, and retelling of an ancient Japanese folktale, about a mysterious man that enters a restaurant and pays for his dinner with a paper crane that magically comes alive and dances. It’s a full-color book, featuring paper cutouts that were photographed to retain the three-dimensional quality of the originals. The children will be intrigued by it.
Do you have Favorite Bird Books for Preschoolers? Let me know in the comments!