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Preschool Dental Health Activities

Our first week of Community Helpers was Health and Safety themed – firefighters, doctors, police officers, dentists, and bus drivers. The rest of the month of Community Helpers with Experience Preschool (formerly Mother Goose Time) preschool curriculum, continues with helpers In the Neighborhood, Downtown, and Creative Careers. Here are our fun preschool dental health activities.

Community Helpers Preschool Dental Health Activities Experience Preschool Curriculum

Community Helpers Dentist Preschool Dental Health Activities

Community helpers are essential for a strong and thriving community. They are professionals who help improve a community’s overall health and well-being.

Experience Preschool Teacher Guide Experience Preschoool Curriculum

We know children begin to learn about their community and these helpers by exploring their own neighborhoods and talking to dentists directly when they go to their appointments. It’s always a big deal when someone is going or the doctor or dentist!

Community Helpers Preschool Dental Health Activities Experience Preschool Curriculum

I Spy Letter D

One of our three letters this month is letter Dd which is perfect for our dentist topic. Toothbrushes were included for painting letter Dd and the objects that start with letter Dd but I don’t have pictures of that in action.

Preschool Dental Health Activities Experience Preschool Mother Goose Time I Spy Letter D page

D is for Dentist

We painted letter D is for Dentist with Kwik Stix Tempera Paint. A letter Dd page connects literacy with our preschool dental health activities.

Letter D is for Dentist
Preschool Dental Health Activities Experience Preschool D is for Dentist

Brushing Letters

This activity, we call brushing letters, was such fun. I wrote each child’s name on single-row ice cube trays with dry-erase markers.

Preschool Dental Health Activities Experience Preschool Brushing Dry Erase Letters off ice cube trays with toothbrushes

The kids brushed the “cavities” off the “teeth”. They did this over and over and practiced writing their own letters. The preschool curriculum suggested using shaving cream for toothpaste which would be fun too!

Preschool Dental Health Activities Experience Preschool Brushing Dry Erase Letters off ice cube trays with toothbrushes

Single row trays aren’t always easy to find but keep your eyes open – I’ve found them at thrift stores.

Preschool Dental Health Activities Experience Preschool Brushing Dry Erase Letters off ice cube trays with toothbrushes

Writing, fine motor, dental health — all sorts of fun!

Preschool Dental Health Activities Experience Preschool Brushing Dry Erase Letters off ice cube trays with toothbrushes

Brushing letters was a big hit.

Preschool Dental Health Activities Experience Preschool Brushing Dry Erase Letters off ice cube trays with toothbrushes

Pulling Teeth

The pulling teeth STEAM Station was the most fun! This is a quick set up and a fun sensory and fine motor activity.

Preschool Dental Health Activities Experience Preschool Pulling Teeth - rocks and play dough

All you need is some red playdough and white beads, stones and some tweezers. We used some little rocks from our fairy garden supplies.

They strangely a lot like teeth once they are pulled out and put in the cup!

Preschool Dental Health Activities Experience Preschool Pulling Teeth - rocks and play dough

Super fun

Preschool Dental Health Activities Experience Preschool Pulling Teeth - rocks and play dough

Flossing Practice

We used strings of floss to pretend to floss our “big teeth”. I also gave everyone a flosser to try cleaning out in between their teeth.

Preschool Dental Health Activities Experience Preschool Flossing Ice Cube Tray Teeth

Don’t forget to brush and floss!

Preschool Dental Health Activities Experience Preschool Flossing Ice Cube Tray Teeth

Dental Books

More Community Helpers

I received curriculum from Experience Early Learning for honest and authentic stories resulting from my daily experiences using the curriculum. As a user of Experience Preschool for many years, I am pleased to share quality educational experiences. #sponsored #ExperiencePreschool


Wednesday 12th of February 2020

where did you find the single row ice cube trays?


Tuesday 18th of February 2020

They are kind of hard to find! I believe Walmart carries them. I've found mine over the years at thrift stores.