Sing a Song of Sixpence is a strange nursery rhyme (a lot of them are!) with 24 blackbirds in a pie… how can that be? A great conversation with preschoolers! What is a sixpence? What is rye? This version doesn’t go as far as the maid in the garden and the blackbird pecking off her nose, thank goodness! I read a little of the background information on Sing a Song of Sixpence but there’s not a conclusive documentation about it’s meaning. We enjoyed some fun activities surrounding the Sing a Song of Sixpence nursery rhyme, regardless of its origins. Also, see This Little Piggy preschool activities for more nursery rhyme fun.

Sing a Song of Sixpence Rhyme Poster
The rhyme posters are one of my favorite materials included in the Mother Time kits each month. It’s perfect for letter searches, sounding out words, finding rhyming words, looking for punctuation and more.

Blackbird Letters
Using little blackbird cards, each child took turns looking for letter I on the paper. After finding the letter, I said the word and the child covered the letter I with a blackbird card using a piece of tape on the back to adhere it. This was a great exercise for letter recognition. In family child care we nearly always have mixed age groups. This is an example of children can learn from one another in a mixed age group.

Writing Letter Ii
Since my group of 3-5 year olds are learning to write, I’m trying to focus on some writing activities during circle time. I taped a piece of blank paper to my little pocket chart easel. Then I demonstrated writing letter Ii. It’s easy!

Each child took a turn writing letter Ii. A great way to assess writing skills.

Invitation to Create Sing a Song of Sixpence Pie Art
Making pies fit in just perfect with the Sing a Song of Sixpence rhyme! This is such a unique idea.
Our supplies included: pie tins, cornstarch noodles, cardboard tubes to use as rolling pins and play dough.
- pie tins
- cornstarch noodles
- cardboard tubes to use as rolling pins
- play dough
The pie photo is a beautiful image to inspire pie making. Setting up an attractive display of materials introduces the child to the activity as well as invites their interest.

Each Invitation to Create includes a card with a photo and directions.

Ask questions: What type of pie do you see in the photo? What can we do with these materials?

How can we make a pie? Do you see what is on top of the pie -what is it? What do you think is inside? What kind of pie would you like to make?

Lovely little Sing a Song of Sixpence pies!

See these cornstarch noodles, all squished? Great exploration and sensory play as well.

Wasn’t that a dainty dish to set before the king?
Valerie Villagran
Tuesday 11th of July 2017
Where did you get the cute recipe cards for the pie like in the picture?
Wednesday 12th of July 2017
The Invitation to Create cards are from Mother Goose Time, the preschool curriculum I use. It's wonderful!