Our February preschool theme started out with This Little Piggy Nursery Rhyme Activities for Preschoolers. Nursery Rhymes are a wonderful way to build vocabulary and develop literacy skills in early childhood. Read 1o reasons why kids need nursery rhymes from The Measured Mom.

The Experience Early Learning (formerly Mother Goose Time) kit for This Little Piggy included the materials in the photo below. To see what came in the whole month of curriculum, read What’s in the Box: Nursery Rhymes. We used most of the materials included. Some days we just don’t get to everything.

In this case, we didn’t play the Piggy’s Market shopping game. I will save it and pull it out for another day. I also didn’t use the pipe cleaners for tails on the little piggy finger puppets. It’s too hard to keep them on (I could have used the foam stickers included, hot glued or taped them) but I didn’t take the time. We used them for beading later in the month.
Originally I thought we could curl them to make pig tails for a sensory or STEM activity so that’s another idea.
This Little Piggy Circle Time

Our February calendar coordinates with the rest of the nursery rhyme as well as Valentine’s Day.
The nursery rhyme daily topic posters are so nicely designed with the words of each rhyme that I decided to laminate them to put in a book form later. The question on the bottom of the poster expands the conversation and learning topic.

Cute, cute, cute theme poster with many of the rhyme images. One of my 4-year-olds questioned why Little Jack Horner is sitting on Little Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe’s house. Good question! I explained that the poster is a collage of all the nursery rhymes we’ll be talking about throughout the month.
We often came back to this theme poster – the images on the daily topic posters coordinate with the theme poster so they were drawing comparisons and finding similarities between them. Another question came up – why is one of the sheep black?
Another great question! Some sheep are white and some are black. This picture includes Little Bo Peep and Ba Ba Black Sheep.

This Little Piggy Finger Puppets
The little finger puppets took a while to put together but the props make the story come alive. At circle time I used a set in a pocket chart stand (from Target dollar section a few years back, I believe) to hold the puppets.
After reading the rhyme we put the puppets in order of the story based on the clues seen on each puppet.

Pig Drawings
I thought it would be fun to draw pigs! First I drew a pig and showed my group it’s easy to draw a pig with simple shapes. Then they drew theirs! I think they did a fabulous job.

They practiced writing some letters and forming a word: PIG.

Each one turned out differently but I can see the attempt and their confidence grow in their ability to draw.
This Little Piggy Drama
My favorite activity relating to the nursery rhyme This Little Piggy is Piggy Drama. The Investigation Station included different props for acting out the “This Little Piggy” rhyme.
Make a This Little Piggy Drama Basket
- shopping bag & play money
- blanket & a pillow
- play food
- empty plate & fork
- mirror
Look what happened! Each child chose their props and then put themselves in order. So fun!

More Nursery Rhyme Activities
- Sing a Song of Sixpence
- Itsy Bitsy Spider
- This Little Piggy
- Nursery Rhymes, Fingerplays & Songs Printable Cards
- Pat A Cake Nursery Rhyme
- Nursery Rhymes Shared Reading

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I received curriculum from Experience Early Learning for honest and authentic stories resulting from my daily experiences using the curriculum. As a user of Experience Preschool for many years, I am pleased to share quality educational experiences. #sponsored #ExperienceEarlyLearning