Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Even though we had a late, slow start to spring, we started our Growing Gardens theme May 1st. With so many gray skies and cool, rainy days, it was hard to get into the gardening frame of mind despite gardening being one of my favorite activities. May 1st was actually a beautiful day to be outside which was perfect for making soil collages creative art and digging in the dirt. Check out our Gardening Sensory Bin, Creating Seed Mosaics, and Planting Seeds in Preschool posts.
Dirt Writing
Each month we start out by writing our names on nametags Experience Curriculum provides. It was extra fun to practice letters with “dirt writing”. The kids dipped their fingers in brown paint and traced over their letters. This is a great way to engage reluctant writers. Most kids can’t resist some type of sensory work!
We talk while working on our letters. “E is for Eli”. What letter comes next?
Digging in Dirt
I don’t think there’s a better sensory play activity than digging in the garden! There are plants, worms, and bugs! Plus it keeps them really busy! They love it. The weeds in our garden are already thriving so we dug some out to feed the rabbits.
Digging holes takes muscles! We collected some soil in containers for our soil collages.
We could have done this art indoors if it was rainy but once it’s nice, we like to be out as much as possible. Before long it will be too hot.
Squeezing glue and sprinkling (or shoveling!) dirt.
I encouraged them to use other nature items on their collages like grass and leaves.
Regular glue is often all you need but sometimes with collages, it’s a good idea to try a craft glue.
I remind the kids that dirt will only stick where there is glue so start with lots of glue!
Ah, there’s that amazing sensory component again! Kids need to feel a variety of textures and get dirty when learning.
Taking art outdoors is usually a good idea. The outside elements just enhance the experience and create opportunities to develop problem solving skills, like when it’s windy.
Who knew soil could be so lovely?!
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I received curriculum from Experience Early Learning for honest and authentic stories resulting from my daily experiences using the curriculum. As a user of Experience Preschool for many years, I am pleased to share quality educational experiences. #sponsored #ExperienceEarlyLearning