As we continue to explore types of weather with Experience Curriculum’s Weather & Seasons theme, we played with a fun we played with a cool wind fan experiment and created wind art.

Wind Fan Experiment STEAM Play
Learn more about STEAM Stations here

For the wind fan experiment, we explored light and heavy objects.
Gather a variety of heavy and light objects and experiment putting them in front of a blowing fan. What happens? Record on a chart if it flies through the air or falls.
Experience Curriculum

It is suggested to set up one STEAM Station each day and leave it up for the week for further exploration. Unfortunately I don’t have enough room to have all five stations set up for the week so I leave it up for a day, maybe a few hours or maybe two days.
Due to having a mixed age group, with two children under 2 years, I have to supervise the centers a little closer with some materials so I can’t always leave them out when I need to change diapers or make a meal.
It is obvious when an activity has run its course and it’s time to put it away. Or perhaps I can remove certain materials to make it more manageable when I’m not right there assisting.

My fan is on a stand with a small grid so childrn can access the fan safely. We’ve used it so many times to play and the kids love it!

Kids can turn it on and off and stand close without danger. When our fan isn’t in use, it’s stored in the basement, with a trash bag over it so it doesn’t get dusty (my biggest pet peeve with fans!)

The cord tucked behind the shelf so it’s not getting tripped and it keeps the plug out of reach. Safety first!
The Big Question
What blows in the wind? The Big Question and Inspiration photos are included in the Experience Curriculum’s STEAM Station bundles. I like that they add a visual and question to get everyone thinking.

The materials I put out to begin exploring wind include:
- balloons
- bean bag
- feather
- cotton balls
- pom pom
- scarves
- ribbons
- soft pumpkin
- block
- paper

Wind is air that can move things. We can create wind with our breath by blowing out air. We can’t see wind, but we can feel it. Wind can be strong or gentle.
Experience curriculum teacher guide
Ribbons, Scarves, and Balloons
Ribbons tied to wood rings make fun streamers to play with in front of the fan our outside in wind. Ballons are light weight and really move in front of the fan.

Plus they encourage movement. The toddlers love them too, even though they don’t really understand what we are doing with the fan.

Wind Painting
What can the wind move? We didn’t actually use paint for this process art project. The wind “paints” it’s own picture. We used sequins, glitter, and colored sand blown with a straw onto glue. Check out Wind Process Art at Jack of All Trades – A Teacher’s Journey – they used leaves and flower petals!

First step: squeeze glue. Preschoolers first grab for the straw but I ask them, how will anything stick to the paper when you blow it? First we use the glue.

They are quick to squeeze glue (in one spot) but then I remind them we need more glue all around the paper. While this is process art and there’s learning in the process, guiding their efforts prevents frustration and helps them learn how to plan their work.

If you can do this outside, I’d recommend it! Preschoolers use big breaths and it can get messy. Also, large straws work well for blowing, but we don’t want kids to suck up particles either. Supervise!

Our beautiful wind art:

Along with the weather, we’ll learn about seasons, changes and storms. Check back for more fun play and learning.
More Weather & Seasons Activities

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I received curriculum from Experience Early Learning for honest and authentic stories resulting from my daily experiences using the curriculum. As a user of Experience Preschool for many years, I am pleased to share quality educational experiences. #sponsored #ExperienceEarlyLearning