This month, along with Experience Preschool (formerly Mother Goose Time), we’re focusing on letters Y & V. We have done several activities for letter Y, including Y is for Yarn and shaving cream sensory writing, but making this yellow dandelion play dough was extra fun! Y is for Yellow Dandelion Play Dough!
Little Letter Y Booklets
New letters of the month are introduced with Little Letter Books. Kids like associating words with the letters. They are always excited to color their booklets.
We use these Alphabet Sounds Teaching Tubs to review letter sounds and make letter associations.
My Little Journals Letter Yy Page
The suggested idea for the letter Yy page in My Little Journals was to write letter Y in uppercase and lowercase. Then paint the page with blue watercolor like they are swimming. How fun for our Bubbles Boats and Floats theme!
Looking for Letters
A simple and fun idea for circle time time is to look for a specific letter in a book. Preschoolers love this challenge. We used this month’s Forest Friends book to look for letter y. They were so good at it!
Y is for Yellow Dandelion Play Dough
After all these wonderful letter activities, we made the dandelion play dough.

The recipe for Dandelion Play Dough is found at Parenting Chaos.
Picking Dandelions
Kids love picking dandelions. The color is hard to resist and there are usually so many, it keeps kids busy for quite a while.

Picking dandelions is a treasured memory of childhood!

Look at all our dandelions!

Is it a weed or a wish? It’s both!

I made a double bath of dandelion play dough so we collected a lot of dandelions. We had some in our yard and I neighbor let us pick in their yard too.

Making Dandelion Play Dough
I found this awesome recipe for naturally dyed yellow dandelion play dough from Parenting Chaos. I’ve done a lot of things, but this was the first time I put dandelions in my blender! One of the aspects of my job that I like is that every day brings a new experience. I get to try new things and learn too.
We took our play dough outdoors. When the days are nice, we like to do as many activities as we can outside. Soon it will be too hot to be out as much as we’d like.

These wood dough rollers and stamps are a wonderful combination with a natural dandelion play dough.

We explored textures and designs. The dandelion play dough has a texture all it’s own with the green and yellow parts of the dandelion mixed in.

I didn’t have cream of tartar so I didn’t use it but it would probably last longer and have a nicer consistency if I did use it.

Our dough wasn’t as yellow as some I’ve seen but yellow enough. Ours was a bit duller in color because we picked the dandelions and then they closed up before I made the dough. It’s all good, just details for full disclosure. I didn’t add any coloring.
Yellow dandelion play dough is a wonderful way of incorporating natural elements into our play that also involves the children in collecting dandelions and making the dough.

Surprisingly, the play dough didn’t have more of a dandelion scent but it mostly smelled like regular play dough – flour and salt.

Everyone is wearing their Muddy Buddy rain suits outdoors since it had rained the night before.

Beautiful natural yellow color and texture of dandelion play dough!

We’ll definitely make yellow dandelion play dough again!

More Letter Y Activities
Here are two more letter Yy activities we did this month. Learning letters if fun!
- Shaving Cream Sensory & Letter Writing
- Y is for Yarn

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I received curriculum from Experience Early Learning for honest and authentic stories resulting from my daily experiences using the curriculum. As a user of Experience Preschool for many years, I am pleased to share quality educational experiences. #sponsored #ExperienceEarlyLearning