I’ve been loving our “Personality Plus!” display! Each child’s parent wrote down three or four words on a Post It note that describes their child’s personality. I added it to a piece of colored cardstock below a photo of the child. It makes a great display that highlights the individuality of each one in our group. I like that it involved parents and yet was very quick and easy . I’ve never going to want to take it down…
Personality Plus! Preschool Display
I found this idea originally through Pinterest from http://msbarbarasblog.blogspot.com/2012/09/post-it-personalities.html. Such a great idea!
This is a way of supporting social emotional development, through a healthy self concept, in the classroom. It also helps us to get to know our friends and appreciate individuality. Children love to see their photos and the photos of their friends. It helps us create a sense of community as well to see everyone included, loved and celebrated.
Wednesday 16th of October 2013
Thanks for giving us credit. Your board looks AMAZING! The kids are always so proud to see their photos and hear what their parents have said about them.