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Square Present Collages

We are focusing on the square shape this month and since it’s Christmas time we made “present collages” by adding washi tape for “ribbon”. These collages could also be done with wrapping paper but I didn’t think of that before we started! I like how colorful they turned out. square present collages

I offered pre-cut squares in various sizes and colors so each child could select what they would like to use. Then I pulled off lengths of washi tape and stuck them on the edge of the counter nearby each work spot. My group loves to snip lengths of tape and put it on their paper and they spent quite a bit of time doing it. The collages incorporated our current shape and prompted a discussion about presents while they worked.s6   Square present collages are a quick & easy open ended art project that involves colors, shapes and fine motor skills.s4

My group uses these loop scissors for snipping pieces of tape to the right length. They are great starter scissors that help build hand strength.

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