We’re learning about Space from Earth this week, starting with the stars. This post is all about the awesome Constellation Design STEAM Station idea from Experience Curriculum’s Space and Sky theme.

Setting Up a Constellation Design STEAM Station
You just need a few simple supplies for these STEAM Stations. Experience Curriculum includes the Big Question and Inspiration Photos shown below.
Other supplies we needed: Hole punches, paper (white, black, yellow), black poster board or cardstock, and glue sticks.
Space From Earth STEAM Stations
Each week five STEAM Station ideas are included in the Teacher Guides. I love, love, love these activities. Honestly, I don’t always get to setting them up, but I always want to include them and am so glad when I take the time and make the effort.
Explore hole punchers by punching circles out of paper. Glue the circles to a large black poster board or bulletin board to create a space sky filled with constellations.

We punched holes into small black pieces of paper. Then when the design was complete, we used a gluestick to layer the black paper onto the yellow.
Now you can see the stars!

Can you see the Big Dipper in the constellation below (top picture)?

These amazing STEAM ideas for preschoolers introduce children to new concepts, tools and ideas. I’m looking forward to sharing more STEAM Stations from our space theme!

More Star Activities

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I received curriculum from Experience Early Learning for honest and authentic stories resulting from my daily experiences using the curriculum. As a user of Experience Preschool for many years, I am pleased to share quality educational experiences. #sponsored #ExperienceEarlyLearning