Young children are curious about the sky and what it holds! It’s super important for little kids to learn about the stars. When preschoolers start their learning journey, they’re all about exploring and finding cool things. So, why not introduce them to the amazing world of stars? It’s not just about making their imaginations soar but also about helping them understand the universe and where we fit into it. Through learning about the night sky & stars preschool activities, we can ignite a love for science and keep that sense of wonder alive. Teaching preschoolers about stars is fun and it’s a big deal – they will go home and tell their families all about what they’ve learned! Watch their excitement light up!
Add a star unit to your space preschool theme or preschool classroom space activities. We’ve had an amazing week learning about the stars in preschool with Experience Preschool! We made a telescope to see the stars, created constellation patterns with math shape manipulatives, decorated star wands, and painted sparkly star galaxies. Try our DIY Glittery Ombre Galaxy Jars and Cardboard Box Planetarium!

Learning About the Stars
The weekly themes in the Experience Preschool curriculum include:
- stars
- sun
- moon
- astronomer
- clouds
Stargazer Telescopes
My little learners made their own stargazer telescopes so we could pretend to be an astronomer. It’s a simple but fun craft using simple supplies! We used blue paint with a little silver glitter paint to paint a cardboard roll or paper towel tube. Then we added sparkly star stickers.
Constellation Activities
We learned about constellations and cut apart constellation cards to look at through our telescopes. We learned that the name of the scientist who studies the night sky and outer space is called an astronomer.

Shape Mat Constellations
Using the shape design mats and blue and yellow foam stars from the Experience Preschool curriculum, the children worked in pairs to match stars to the mat and complete constellations.

It’s good for children to learn to work together and take turns.

Star Shaped Wands
These are star wands that “twinkle.” Stars shine a constant light, but the movement of dust and rocks in the atmosphere makes stars look like they twinkle. Our dancing stars were the perfect prop for music and movement time. Simply have the children cut star shapes, decorate them with marker and glitter if desired, and add a craft stick. This simple activity develops fine motor skills and focuses on the star shape. Children can print their names on the back if desired.

Our constellation paintings are super easy but turn out beautiful. Simply paint black construction paper with silver glitter paint.

When it dries, add star stickers. Ta-da! We talked about there being so many stars in the night sky. Kids love to design their own constellation art and take home these sparkly masterpieces.

Stars can red, yellow, or blue. the red ones “red giants” are the largest and the blues are the smallest “blue dwarfs.” Yellow stars are medium-sized.

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star is the perfect song to go with the star lesson. Hang paper stars from the ceiling or dance with star wands. Use my free printable collection of Nursery Rhymes, Fingerplays and Songs.
Star Shaped Cookie Cutters
Use star cookie cutters to dip in paint on paper plates and stamp on paper for beautiful star print art. Or use cookie cutters with play dough for a fun shape lesson. Try cutting cheese slices into star shapes for an exciting star-themed snack time.
Starry Night Sensory Play & Art
Also, consider adding Starry Night sensory play and Starry Night Door Hanger art to your preschool lessons.
Use shaving cream, paint and glitter to mix up a sensory play experience of blending colors and creating sparkly temporary art. Sensory activities are perfect for outdoor play this summer!
Bend pipe cleaners in a swirly design and then dip them into the paint on a piece of paper or door hanger-shaped card to create Starry Night-like designs.
Kids of all ages enjoy space-themed activities! Add in space shuttles or rocket ship toys or make space station center. Older children can use these space sight words coloring activity pages in the writing center.
More Solar System, Space Theme Activities & Star Crafts
Try a moon observation for a fun activity for the whole family to observe the different phases of the moon together. It’s a great way to involve families in your theme and take learning out of the classroom. Introduce some number recognition and counting with moon rocks.
- Astronauts
- Craters
- Galaxies
- Eat the Moon Space Snack
- Constellations
- Space Sensory Bin
- Constellation Design STEAM
Through crafts, games, and exploration, we tap into children’s creativity and nurture their cognitive and motor skills. As they connect the dots between their hands-on activities and the nighttime sky, they develop a sense of wonder and curiosity that paves the way for a deeper understanding of the universe. Continue to inspire our little ones to reach for the stars, knowing that their journey of exploration and learning has only just begun!

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I received curriculum from Experience Early Learning for honest and authentic stories resulting from my daily experiences using the curriculum. As a user of Experience Preschool for many years, I am pleased to share quality educational experiences. #sponsored #ExperienceEarlyLearning
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