We had such a lovely time playing in the leaves last week. Our Autumn Blaze Maple took it’s time turning color and dropping it’s leaves this year, but it was worth the wait. So beautiful! Some of these leaves are from our neighbor’s tree and they worked very well for making leaf garlands. I found this lovely idea on The Mud Kitchen. Read their post on how to set up the leaf threading activity.

Make a Leaf Garland
It takes a little patience. The stick pushing through the leaves makes a hole. Then when you get to the knot on the stick, it might make a bigger hole through the leaf so careful threading is necessary. Try to use a thicker leaf that’s not dried out otherwise it will rip and crumble.

A couple of the kids were frustrated when a leaf ripped off or their yarn pulled off the stick but sometimes we have to try again, try a different way or just be patient. It’s worth it in the end! Look how beautiful this leaf garland turned out.

Other ways to play in the leaves: make a leaf house, rake leaves, jump in leaves, sort leaves by color, look for the largest or smallest leaf.
It was a windy day so my group enjoyed playing with their string of leaves like a kite. What a fun way to play with nature!
More Leaf Ideas
- Autumn Leaf Collage
- We’re Going on a Leaf Hunt
- Leaf Chromatography | Playdough to Plato
- Painting Leaves | Simple Fun for Kids
- Leaf Wreath | Crafts for All Seasons
- Leaf Sensory Bag | Kids Craft Room
- Autumn Leaf Suncatchers | the Artful Parent