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PRESS HERE Book and Collages

After reading about Teach Preschool’s fun with the Press Here book, I had to get the book. Finally, I got to it! The kids just loved it. Read about our PRESS HERE Book and Collages.

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PRESS HERE is an interactive book where the kids “push” the dot on one page and on the next page, more dots are added or they move, get larger or rearrange. I especially like the pages that ask you to tilt the book one direction or the other and you can guess what happens. The kids responded very well to the last section when they all clap and the dots get bigger. Great book, I’d recommend it!

The book just begs for more! So I came up with a simple coordinating activity of dot collages, was a hit. The kids were very excited to make their own “press here” pages. We used cardstock and each child created a page. Older children could actually make their own books if desired.

PRESS HERE Book and Collages

PRESS HERE Book and Collages

Find the needed supplies for PRESS HERE Book and Collages on Amazon:

Emma @ P is for Preschooler

Thursday 23rd of April 2015

We just got this book today - so much fun! I love the collages you made to go with it!


Wednesday 5th of September 2012

What a wonderful idea! I love all of Herve Tullet's children's books. Where did you happen to find the stickers you used for the craft? I was thinking of doing something similar with my library storytime kids in the near future if you don't mind that I adapt this idea :)


Wednesday 5th of September 2012

I believe I picked mine up at Staples.


Monday 16th of April 2012

I purchased this book for my 3 yr old granddaughter and she LOVES it. We even had to take it along on a recent weekend trip! I will need to check out Spot the Dot for her since she loves to play on my ipad too. THANKS!


Monday 16th of April 2012

Wonderful! Thanks for sharing!


Monday 2nd of April 2012

I love this book. And I've been thinking about making my own version. Your post is inspiring me. :)


Monday 2nd of April 2012

Oh fun! I don't have an iPad. :(