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Tips for Baby Sleep Safety #BSZParent #AD #IC

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Influence Central for the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

It’s been over 12 years since I’ve had a newborn, so there’s been so many new safety methods and lots of products available now that didn’t exist when our son was born.

Tips for Baby Sleep Safety

Tips for Baby Sleep Safety

I read a lot and feel I was a well informed mother, but I know I didn’t do everything “right”. I used bumper pads. He slept in a swing and a car seat. Probably was too warmly wrapped in the crib. We had one of those drop side cribs that are no longer sold.

Sure, we read product reviews of major purchases online. We did the best we could with what we knew. After having a child care business in my home and there being so much more awareness with car seat safety, etc, online, I know so much more now than I did then!

Now new parents can rely on The Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) when shopping for safe products for their new baby. JPMA is dedicated to promoting the industry and the safe use of juvenile products.

The infographic below shows the process products go through to receive the JPMA certification seal:


JPMA Certified products offer quality and security that keeps today’s children safe. Look for the seal and demand the best!

The Baby Safety Zone

The Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA), who powers the Baby Safety Zone, was created to help ensure parents that there are expert recommendations when it comes time to select and use a wide variety of baby products. They are dedicated in sharing their knowledge in a fun and engaging way to keep parents and caregivers informed and educated.

Tips for Baby Sleep Safety

  • Always use a crib sheet that fits securely on the mattress, wraps around the mattress corners and stays securely on the mattress corners.
  • Baby monitors can look like toys to babies and toddlers. Keep your monitor at least three feet away from the crib or bassinet to avoid strangulation.
  • If you are using a changing pad on top of a dresser, place a piece of no-skid runner that is usually used under area rugs underneath of the pad. This will prevent the pad of sliding around. Always use the straps!
  • If your child falls asleep in a stroller, move them to a safe sleep setting as soon as you can.  Strollers should not be used for unattended, extended or overnight sleeping.
  • Consider room sharing during the first few months. Room sharing keeps baby within arm’s reach without compromising your child’s safety by bed sharing.
  • Only use the mattress provided by the manufacturer. Never use pillows or add extra padding.
  • Do not use a pillow-like crib bumpers.
  • NEVER place the crib near windows, draperies, blinds, or wall-mounted decorative accessories with long cords.
  • Drop-side cribs are no longer available for purchase; however, if you are using a previously purchased drop-side crib, be sure the drop side or any other moving part operates smoothly and there is no missing hardware. Remember to always secure the moveable side when baby is in the crib.
  • Be sure to set the mattress to the lowest position when your child is able to pull to a standing position.
  • Look for the JPMA Certification Seal.
  • The crib mattress should fit snugly with no more than two fingers width, one-inch, between the edge of the mattress and the crib side, because the baby can get trapped between the mattress and the side of the crib if larger gaps are present.

Be sure to check out the Baby Safety Zone at

JPMA has been helping parents find safe baby products for over 35 years. What baby products are you shopping for?

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