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Apple Discovery Activity Page

It’s time for all things apples! Bring some apples into the early childhood classroom and create some excitement. Children love novelty, something new in the environment to see, touch, and taste. This apple discovery activity combines nature and science with writing and literacy. Preschoolers can explore an apple and write observations on the Apple Discovery Activity Page. Color, count, draw, measure, and describe. In this blog post, find an apple discovery activity page that encourages children to make observations, document their findings, and engage in critical thinking as well as develop fine motor skills.

Apple Discovery Activity Page

This activity page is designed to accompany the observation of a real apple in your early childhood classroom. It’s a multi-faceted, interactive experience that encourages children to use their senses, develop fine motor skills, and make scientific observations. 🍎READ: Apple Taste Testing in Preschool

Materials You’ll Need:

  • Real apples, one for each child, ideally
  • Crayons
  • Paper plate for apple seeds and slices
  • Connecting cube blocks
  • Apple Discovery Activity Page

Activity Steps:

  1. Observation and Exploration: Begin by placing the apples on a tray or a basket in a central location in your classroom. Give each child an apple. Allow the children to touch, smell, and observe them. Encourage them to describe how they feel, smell, and look. Remind them on to taste it YET! First, we’re going to make some observations. It’s a big word, but children love to learn big important words.
  2. Coloring Fun: Provide coloring materials and ask the children to color the apple on their activity page. Let their creativity flow as they choose the colors. You may want to limit the color choices you put out so they match the apple colors. Or if they choose to color their apple purple, that’s okay too!
  3. Measuring with Cubes: Use connecting cube blocks to measure the height of their apple. This introduces a basic concept of measurement. Children can record the number of cubes used on their activity page.
  4. Observing an Apple: Talk about the shape of the apple. Does it have a stem or leaf? Is it more than one color? Encourage the children to draw what they see. This can be a fun, artistic activity that allows creativity.
  5. Stem Check: Point to the stem and talk about the stem if it has one. If not, ask the children why they think it’s missing. Have the children check the appropriate box to indicate if their apple has a stem or color the corresponding apple.
  6. Size Determination: Lastly, ask the children to decide if the apple is small, medium, or large. This activity encourages them to make size comparisons and classifications. They may just want to color all the apples, and that’s fine too. Circle the size choice.
  7. Counting Seeds: After cutting open the apples, put the seeds into a container for each child (for large groups) or work together to count them as a group. They can write down the number on their activity page. If they are not yet writing numbers, write it for the child to trace or have them tell you what number to write.
  8. Eat the apple! How does it taste? Can they eat the whole thing? What else can you make with an apple?

Learning Through the Senses

By combining sensory experiences with engaging activities like coloring, counting, and measuring, you’re not only encouraging a love for learning but also helping young children develop cognitive and fine motor skills. Plus, they get to have a blast while doing it!

Remember, as early childhood educators, creating a supportive and encouraging environment is key. Praise their efforts, ask open-ended questions, and allow them to share their findings and artwork with their friends.

Add the apple discovery activity page to your fall curriculum; it’s going to be fun!

Download the Apple Discovery Activity Page

Combine sensory exploration and nature with literacy and writing.