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Early Childhood Educators TEACH and CARE Printable Poster

In celebration of Provider Appreciation Day, I created an Early Childhood Educators TEACH and CARE Printable Poster. Who are Early Childhood Professionals?  Often it feels like child care providers are the lowest of all those who work with children but what we do really should be recognized.

First and foremost, we are caregivers. We are ALSO teachers. Generally, we have the lowest pay and the least respect amongst those who teach children.  It’s really too bad because we’re the ones caring for the smallest and youngest little learners and it’s important work. There’s a need for quality child care in every community so parents can work. Whether an Early Childhood Educator is called a preschool teacher, a family child care provider, a child care worker, or the dreaded “babysitter”, what we do is hard, respectable and rewarding work.

Early Childhood Educators TEACH and CARE Printable Poster from Share & Remember

When I think about the work I do, it’s these things I wrote on the poster. We feel strongly about the importance of our work, what we believe in, what we teach, do and give – every day. It takes everything that I am, everything I have to do this every day.

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Early Childhood Educators TEACH and CARE Printable Poster from Share & Remember

Especially for Child Care Providers

Book of Colors

Tuesday 7th of June 2016

[…] Early Childhood Educators Teach & Care Poster […]


Thursday 12th of May 2016

Thank you for having this post.