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It’s Citrus Season at Pick ‘n Save
It sure has been a long cold winter for us here in Wisconsin! For our family and for child care, limited fresh fruit is a big downer – I limit my purchase of grapes when they’re so expensive and some of the fruit just isn’t the best this time of year, but we sure enjoy the citrus fruit and it’s definitely citrus season at Pick ‘n Save! There’s a large selection of grapefruit and oranges available. We looked forward to trying the Florida Ruby Star grapefruit and the Honey oranges we bought at Pick ‘n Save with the #CollectiveBias opportunity!
We don’t always get to buy our groceries as a family but I love it when we do. My guys helped me pick out the citrus varieties they wanted to try. I was pleased when they also helped prepare our citrus salad plate to go with our dinner on Sunday. Really, it takes the longest to peel and section the fruit so if you have some help, all the better!
Not only is this salad beautiful and yummy, it’s healthy. We all are needing that extra boost from citrus this time of year to protect from colds and flu. Just peeling an orange is a lift to our senses, like a bit of sunshine we so lack in our Wisconsin winter months! One orange provides all the Vitamin C we need in a day. They are the perfect snack since they are about 80 calories, and filling due to their water and fiber content. I often offer my child care children a Cutie orange as part of their snack or meal. We really liked the sweet flavor of the honey oranges, but they do contain seeds.
My husband especially enjoys grapefruit. We loved the big beautiful Florida Ruby Star! Very juicy and sweet. Grapefruit are nutrient packed and available all year. They are also an excellent source of vitamin C and contain antioxidants that help support heart health.
Great ways to enjoy citrus fruit from Pick ‘n Save this winter:
- have half a grapefruit for a snack
- try pummelos, mandarins or tangerines
- add lemon or lime peels to flavor your water
- make your own fresh juice for any time of the day
- top salmon or other fish with lemon slices and grill or bake
- make a fruit platter for snack or as a side dish for any meal
- use fresh squeezed lemon on vegetables for flavor rather than salt
Make a Winter Citrus Plate
We’ve also been enjoying fresh fruit juice using our juicer and a variety of citrus fruits. I made this refreshing glass of juice with leftover fruit from the fruit plate we enjoyed yesterday. Also try: apples, carrots, and cucumber.
Juicing is also a great way to use up fruits and vegetables that might otherwise go to waste if you can’t use them fast enough in other ways.
Fill up on healthy refreshing citrus fruits, now in season at Pick ‘n Save!
Wednesday 29th of January 2014
"Just peeling an orange is a lift to our senses, like a bit of sunshine we so lack in our Wisconsin winter months!" Add in Minnesota as well! I need a little burst of color and sunshine this time of year, wish I had a Pick 'n Save nearby:)
Wednesday 29th of January 2014
Monday 27th of January 2014
OH my GOSH, Stacy! This is absolutely stunning. I feel like I can smell and taste this citrus plate. My mouth is literally watering so hard right now. I'm glad Pick 'n Save offers good, fresh winter citrus for you to eat. I grew up in Alaska and it was IMPOSSIBLE to get good citrus. #client