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Preschool Slice and Count Play Dough Math Activity

The Slice and Count Play Dough Math Activity we did last week with Experience Curriculum In the Kitchen theme was a hit! Experience Preschool provided the Slice and Count food mats and bowl cards. We just added play dough. (Original post 2019 – resources may vary from year to year.)

Slice and Count Play Dough Math Activity from Mother Goose Time Preschool Curriculum #MGTblogger

Slice and Count Play Dough Math Activity

I laminated the slice and count play dough mats and bowls so they would hold up for extended use. This is an activity I can pull out any time in our play dough center!

play dough and knives for Kitchen math slice and count activity with play dough

Children explore measurement and counting while slicing “fruits and vegetables” made from play dough.

Slice and Count Play Dough Math Activity by Mother Goose Time preschool curriculum Number concepts

How much fun is it to cut up a play dough banana?? In this case we have more than twelve slices but she’s just 2 years old. I could guide her cutting but she’s working on different skills than the older children.

Older children can work on counting the correct number of slices for the bowl.

slicing and counting bananas  Slice and Count Play Dough Math Activity

We also talked about safety in the kitchen. Who should use knives? Is it okay to use a knife if an adult isn’t around? What could happen?

Slice and Count Play Dough Math Activity number recognition and number concepts for preschool

Little hands are very capable!

slicing play dough berries Slice and Count Play Dough Math Activity

Slicing berries!

Types of Utensils

Children love to use knives and cut! Try plastic knives, wooden knives as shown, or child sized cutlery sets.

strawberry play dough Slice and Count Play Dough Math Activity

Experience Preschool provided wooden knives which were exciting for the kids to use and more durable then plastic knives. It’s interesting that they are actually compostable as well. I like that idea!

Slice and Count Play Dough Math Activity

Oberservations You Can Make

While the children work, you can make authentic observations about the child’s development. Along with observing fine motor development, check to see:

slicing play dough carrots kitchen theme activity for preschoolers Slice and Count Play Dough Math Activity
  • Was the child able to count out the correct number of pieces to match the card?
  • Did he/she demonstrate an ability to count up to 10 pieces of play dough?
counting carrots into a bowl Slice and Count Play Dough Math Activity

We had fun with the Slice and Count Play Dough Math Activity in the kitchen!

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I received curriculum from Experience Early Learning for honest and authentic stories resulting from my daily experiences using the curriculum. As a user of Experience Preschool for many years, I am pleased to share quality educational experiences. #sponsored #ExperienceEarlyLearning


Monday 22nd of April 2024

I love this activity because it works on counting and fine motor skills the kids can practice


Thursday 8th of February 2024

Hello, would it be possible to send me a sample of the fruit to cut? Thank you


Monday 27th of March 2023

Hi! Would it be possible for you to share this resource? I couldn't find it on their website anymore! Would really be of big help to us! Thank you!


Tuesday 30th of May 2023

@Sheena, This resource is from the Experience Preschool curriculum. I used the curriculum for my child care and was an education blogger.