I’ve been waiting for my flowering tree to bloom and finally, it’s happening this week! I’ve also been trying for months to get some photos printed to go in frames I bought at Target. The photos I intended to use just didn’t seem right. I just love this photo I captured a couple evenings ago as the sun was going down.
I realized the colors would be perfect for our bedroom! I really only had one photo I liked for this purpose, so I cropped them to 8×10 (I use FastStone Image Viewer) in two different ways – one is a close up of the main flower. While I’d prefer two completely different photos, this works. If at some point I have another photo I’d like to use, I can always switch it out. Then I printed the pictures on photo paper and inserted them into the frames. Mine were already matted, so you’ll want to consider that when you buy a frame.
From Photo to Art – DIY wall art using photos
- take photo
- edit if desired (PicMonkey is a good way)
- crop to size
- print or develop photos
- insert into frames
It’s really as simple as that. I love taking photos! Using them as art is a great way to display them as well as personalize your home and save money. Besides, if you’re like me, you can never find exactly what you have in mind, so this is a great alternative.